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Must see films for marine mammal enthusiasts.

Writer's picture: Virginie WyssVirginie Wyss

Here are some ressources, books and movies that are touching about dolphins and whales

“Latitude of change” by Richard Mardens. The film of our scientific expedition Glacialis can be seen free of charge until January 17, 2025 on TV5 monde.
“Latitude of change” by Richard Mardens. The film of our scientific expedition Glacialis can be seen free of charge until January 17, 2025 on TV5 monde.

I begin this year 2025 by asking myself the following question: How can I better help the ocean and marine mammals?

I believe that art is a fantastic way of raising awareness, and that images are worth more than a thousand words. So here's a non-exhaustive list of resources (please help me add to it) concerning marine mammals and the oceans that have deeply moved me and changed the way I look at my food, my habits and the world. I hope all those who are passionate about the marine environment will find what they're looking for! I started the article with films that were a bit shocking at first... The children's and more poetic films are at the end :-).

I'd also like to make a small aside before starting this list with a bit of advertising... the film “Latitude du changement” directed by Richard Mardens from our Glacialis expedition is on free streaming until the end of January on TV5 monde. This film tells the story of the dream of 4 world citizens (and Chicha) to study the marine fauna from the Azores to Greenland on a 13m sailing boat, the Atlas. With this film, we wanted to show that we can all be agents of change. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the 250 people who supported us and believed in us. I hope this 52-minute documentary will inspire you to make your dreams come true.

Here's a list of must-see films and documentaries for all ocean enthusiasts. Some films are (very) difficult to watch, others just fascinating, but I'll start this list with a book that changed my life and opened me up to another consciousness. Unfortunately, it's only available in French.

Le 5ième rêve by Patrice Van Ersel: a book with many stories about dolphins, orcas, ambassador dolphins; many researchs that open up to other consciousnesses and other realities. It's probably one of the most beautiful books I've read on marine mammals.

The fifth dream (book only in French) from Patrice van eersel
The fifth dream (book only in French) from Patrice van eersel

Films about dolphins in captivity:

To put an end to dolphinariums once and for all, don't hesitate to watch The Cove (2009) by former Flipper trainer Ric O barry.

A heart-rending documentary that exposes the brutal practice of dolphin hunting in Taiji, Japan, while advocating the protection of marine mammals. Trailer can be viewed here.

In the same category: Blackfish (2013) examines the captivity of orcas at SeaWorld and the ethical implications surrounding the entertainment of marine mammals. I think it's watchable on Netflix.

Blackfish a movie about the life of Orca in captivity
Blackfish a movie about the life of Orca in captivity

Films about ocean conservationists:

4. Following Paul Watson's imprisonment in Denmark, a friend recommended this film to me and I really enjoyed this ARTE documentary -Paul Watson -a life for the oceans. (2019) Opinions are much debated about Paul, but what he has done for the animal kingdom is in my humble opinion exemplary and casi superhuman, so I encourage you to watch this beautiful report on this shepherd of the marine world.

Paul Watson talking about the seals in Canada
Paul Watson talking about the seals in Canada

5. Oceanographer Sylvia Earle takes us on one of her expeditions with Missions Blue (2015). The film is available on Netflix and here's its trailer.

6. A life among whales, a film about Dr. Payne's research (2006) and his efforts to combat whaling and raise awareness of their magnificent songs.

Public films about the beauty of the marine world and the intelligence of its inhabitants:

My octopus teacher touched me deeply. This inter-species story of a man who comes out of burnout and forms a friendship with an octopus by filming it every day for a year is magnificent. The film is also available on Netflix, and here's the trailer.

My Octopus teacher a touching movie about a relationship in between a man and an octopus
My Octopus teacher a touching movie about a relationship in between a man and an octopus

8,9 and 10. For children, the true story of Winter the dolphin with Dolphin Tale (2011) in rehabilitation is lovely, as is Sauver Willy, which I haven't watched in 20 years, but I remember that this film had a profound effect on me! The story of Nemo is also very appropriate for the marine world.

Save Willy
Save Willy

For other documentaries, I really enjoy "the sur le front" small documentary from Hugo Clement and the Blue planets from the BBC are of course beautiful to watch !

And you, what films and resources about oceans and marine mammals have touched you the most? Which movies would you recommand?

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